Do I need a referral to see you?

Although many of our patients are referred to us by their general dentist due to their particular needs, you don’t need a referral to see us (most of our patients are self-referred).

Is there a rebate available from my private health?

Because each insurance provider is different, we suggest calling our reception to see what options are available to you. 

My little one is precious; do you X-ray young children?

Unfortunately, we don’t have X-ray vision, so at times this is required. We generally won’t use dental x-rays for young children unless we feel this is absolutely necessary. The amount of radiation exposure in our new digital X-ray system is equivalent to 2hrs of TV time! So, you can be assured it’s very safe.

What age should my child start seeing a dentist?

Dr John Camacho recommends that your child’s first visit to us be when they have grown their first tooth, or by age one (whichever comes first). This is the opportune time to familiarise them with the clinic, our staff and dental care, so that their experience can flourish and they start to develop positive associations with dentistry. 

My child is really nervous of the dentist, what do you do to make this easier for them?

Dr John Camacho and every team member at PDS is trained in dealing with children and are skilled at creating a positive and supportive environment. Our team will use positive terminology and language that will not intimidate your child and when they’re seated in the dentist’s chair we play child-focused and age-appropriate TV to distract them while we gently assess their teeth.

Dr John Camacho and Dr Robert Anthonappa wear normal clothes, as nothing says scary dentist more than a white lab coat, right? We want your children to feel at ease and do our best to avoid a clinical experience. We also have a play area and super fun mural wall for them to get their paparazzi groove on afterwards, so they leave smiling and they’ll be happy to come back.

My child just lost their first tooth, what do I do?

Firstly, alert the tooth fairy! Secondly, you should encourage your child to rinse their mouth with cold water, which will help to control any bleeding. Make sure to brush gently while their gum is still sensitive. Your child will normally lose their first tooth naturally around the age of 6. This is also a good time to come in and see us because we want to make sure the adult teeth coming through are not only healthy but that they’re coming through into a healthy mouth.